Food For Thought..

Jesus became your sin, absorbed God's wrath, died the death you deserve, and rose again to give you life. This is gospel.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"Open the earth, or change my form."

...considered yourself to be an Apollo. In order to understand the post, you'll have to visit and stuff. Basically, Apollo, the god of the sun and music, hates on Eros, otherwise known as Cupid, the god of sexual, erotic love, for using a bow and arrows. "You're not a warrior, I am. Stop playing games, Eros," which OBVIOUSLY pissed the young guy off, pardon the crappy summarization. So he takes two arrows, one gold and one lead, to shoot both Apollo and Daphne. The gold arrow pierces Apollo through the heart while Daphne is shot by the leaden causing him to fall madly in love with Daphne while she is now forced to despise his presence. Cue the chase scene. Neck in neck, neither of the two, Apollo or Daphne, is gaining on or escaping from the other. Eros allows Apollo the speed needed to begin gaining on Daphne. In a panic, she calls out to her father, Peneus, "Open the earth to enclose me, or change my form (the beauty that her father had earlier said wouldn't allow her to keep away all of her obsessors), which has brought me into this danger!" She then becomes a tree. Some ending, huh? Sweet. On a positive note, Apollos decides that, since he can't take Daphne as his wife, he'll groom her as a tree. Forever. Sounds like a cute story, and it is, in a sense. However, this screams modernity. How many of us are Apollo chasing after Daphne? We, as Christians, love to chase what, or who it is, that hates us. Does this sound familiar yet? We not only flirt with disaster, we chase it until it's in our arms, unattainable, and we groom it for as long as we possibly can. Maybe I'm just on drugs. Maybe it's late. Maybe I'm right. Whichever it may be, God's on the throne. God is God, and we are not. We have a reason to worship. That's all. Play me off, once more, Johnny!

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