Food For Thought..

Jesus became your sin, absorbed God's wrath, died the death you deserve, and rose again to give you life. This is gospel.

Monday, May 16, 2011


i have no idea why i'm posting other than i'm waiting for my webcam to update. boof. my cat just sneezed and then rubbed his eyes and nose like people do. it was funny. don't give me that look, this cat's the bomb.

summer, eh? where to start. school's over. second semester of year one came to a close and my gpa was 3.4. pretty cool, i guess! i ended the year with a... 3.27..something. that's not bad for year one. 48 hours down.. 78 to go. five semesters, tops. wow,  it's flying by. in two weeks i'll be on a plane to Portland, Oregon to spend two months of my life. why? people in portland need Jesus ..and God called me there. 44% of the people in Portland claim to be non-religious. do you know how LIBERAL they are? the tolerance level there is going to be insane. pray. pray pray pray. pray for the people we'll meet. pray for divine appointments. pray for the spiritual strongholds in the city and hearts of those in the city. pray for the team. pray for me. pray. just pray. spend 10 minutes or 10 weeks, but pray. please and thank you! when i get back, i'll have a week of chill and rest time before i start at Pantego Bible Church as the high school intern. year long, paid internship. WHAT? the Lord is good, y'all. good. that's about all i have to say i guess. life is good. God is still on the throne and that won't ever change, so we always have a reason to party. bored? read 2 Timothy. that's all. pray!

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