Food For Thought..

Jesus became your sin, absorbed God's wrath, died the death you deserve, and rose again to give you life. This is gospel.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"All My Fountains"

This weekend was the Passion conference in Fort Worth, Texas and God was moving His people towards Himself in such mighty ways. There is so much to say and so much to share, but all that matters is Jesus. This is what has been shared and discovered and this is what is creating the Jesus Movement. He is raising up a generation with a purpose statement stronger than ever before: "Yes, LORD, walking in the way of Your truth, we wait eagerly for You; Your name and Your renown are the desires of our souls" (Isaiah 26:8). All we want is to remain in His truth, knowing and loving Him more, waiting for Him, and to see His name and His fame spread. That is ALL that matters. Proverbs 14:27 says, "The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life." Life pours into and out of those who fear Him. Revere Him. Stand in awe of Him. Praise His name. We sang a song as a declaration to God that All our fountains are in Him. All of them. He's our joy, our life, our peace, our all. Jesus is worth it all. Philippians 1:27, "Behave as citizens WORTHY of the Gospel of Christ." We have a call to give ourselves and we will be fulfilled because in making much of us, in allowing Him to work our salvation out for us, He is made much of so much more. His glory shines brighter than the sun. Let's live for what matters most. Let's join the movement. The Jesus Movement.

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