Food For Thought..

Jesus became your sin, absorbed God's wrath, died the death you deserve, and rose again to give you life. This is gospel.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

King of Glory, have Your glory.

As of late, in my time spent with God, studying His word, praying, seeking, worshiping, He's been leading me to a new revelation that I think we all need to hear. It isn't a new age philosophy or a new way to see God move. It's not a new worship song, pastor, sermon series, or church to attend. It's an ancient path, an old, dusty, lost road. It's the walk of the fathers of our faith. In a confused and dying culture and time in our world, it's our only hope.

Around four of five weeks ago, I was praying to be changed to the fathers of old, the fathers of the faith. Praying to be so profoundly different from this world and culture because I've gone to the very basics and essence of the faith as the fathers of it had. The forefathers of the faith never even MOVED without the Lord saying to. They all went through the desert and wilderness and walked the ancient paths of Jeremiah 6:16. I was then brought to the wilderness to a revelation of the fathers and the ancient paths. I've been a son, yet it's time for the sons to become fathers. This is a prophetic call to follow an ancient path leading to the promise of God in Matthew 16:18. To take back the ground that Almighty Yahweh promised, Jesus secured, and we were born into, it's our inheritance as sons of the living God and heirs to His throne. We are to be a church of power. We will be.

Adam and Eve walked with God. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob did too. Moses begged God to show him His glory. He saw God for who He is and spoke with Him mouth to mouth. These were powerful fathers of our faith, but they fell short in a manner that we do not. Through Christ, we house God's glory. 1 Corinthians 6:19 says we are temples of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, the Greek word used is "naos," transliterated to mean Holy of Holies. Let that sink in. Powerful, yeah? Exodus 40:34 is inside our spirit. Our souls are being readied to contain more. David sought God's heart; we are written on it. Isaiah whimpered before the throne of God, we're invited to come into His presence with boldness, expecting mercy and grace (Heb. 4:16). Jesus holds us and the keys of the Kingdom and hands them to us. What we unlock and allow to enter through us is our decision. We're the gates, we're the doors, we must open up, and let the King of Glory enter in (psalm 24:7-10).

Put off the old and put on the new.

This is deep. We aren't the first Christians; putting on the new isn't some new age philosophy, it's a tested discipline: crucifixion of flesh, liberation of Spirit, and pursuit of Holy. It's only new to us, because we're new to the family, an ancient family with an ancient tradition of walking ancient paths to claiming the ancient inheritance of an eternal God. It's worked forever; the forefathers did it. This is a story about a family! It fits all of us, but it's not about us! So we are moving toward the discipline of our ancestors. Jesus did it best. Huh? He walked the ancient paths better than the fathers referred to in the passage? Yeah, where do you think they got it? Jesus. He was there when the world began. Romans 13:14. To fully put ON Christ is to gravitate towered the most ancient paths. Think Adam and Eve ancient. Walking with God. Micah 6:8. Ancient. We are being moved to a posture of simplicity and freedom. Our minds wont be bound by cultural or self-opinionated doctrinal garbage, our bodies won't be hindered by the workings of our flesh because Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John). Matthew 10:7-8. Luke 4:17. Isaiah 61:1-4. Revelation 22. Sick, broken people will be set free.

Look around you.. The arid land that is being laid by the drought. The land is longing to have it's thirst quenched. That's America. We are amidst a drought. A power outage. We are in the appearance of God's power, but lacking the Spirit and running on the fumes of religion and tradition. Prophesy. Speak out life, truth, the Spirit and Word of the Living God. Birth something into the atmosphere. Bind the enemy and loose the creativity of God in your life and the world around you.

I'm genuinely curious as to why we, the Church, believe we have not because we ask not, but won't commit to crying out, day and night, "come, Lord Jesus." His kingdom will spring up all around us when we do more so than ever before. Ever. Literally, ever. For real. Picture the power we'll receive. The anointing. The Body operating in complete unity. It's the dream of the Father and the heartcry of Jesus for God's kingdom to come and will to be done on earth, we can make it happen! Why are we dreaming so small?! Will you join with me and committing to praying, "come, Lord Jesus. Let Your kingdom come, let Your will be done, on earth JUST like heaven." come, Jesus. Declare His glory. 

The heartcry of Jesus is that you would formulate a posture of opportunity and openness to putting His glory on display, in word and deed.

This involves sacrifice. We must lay our lives down at the feet of Jesus, casting our crowns at His feet, and hand Him everything. He is LOVE. He's gracious and overflowing with goodness. Trust Him. Trust Him. But this involves patience. Migrating out of a cultural lifestyle and into a style of life this world has never known won't be immediate.

Impatience brings forth idolatry. When you cannot wait for the Lord, you will seek to find pleasure in anything but the Lord. Be Still.

Psalm 25:3 "indeed, none who WAIT for YOU shall be put to shame." the answer to all our problems is patiently waiting for the Lord to come through. What's the waiting room look like? Three chapters back. 22:3. "You are holy and enthroned on the praises of Israel, Your people." what are we doing while we wait? If it isnt praising Him, we're in the wrong spot. CRY OUT TO HIM DAY AND NIGHT, because 9:7 says He established His throne for justice. When we praise Him from a heart of love and obedience, we become seekers, doers, and lovers of justice. Luke 18:1-8. He'll bring it hastily to His elect that ask for it, so ask for it! As we contend for the kingdom, the justice of the fatherless, the widows, the oppressed and afflicted, our "problems" soon fade away and become others in need of justice. Have a problem? Praise Him, and He'll change us completely. Psalm 37:3-7. This is the dawning of a new era of holiness and justice. Come, King of Glory.

Jeremiah 6:16 -
"Thus says the LORD: 'STAND by the roads, and LOOK, 
and ASK for the ancient paths, where the good way is; 
and WALK in it, and find rest for your souls.'
But they said, 'We will not walk in it.'"
- stand
- search
- step

Three things we must do to discern the path we must take.

- Stand: Stop what we're doing; stand still. I picture a crowd (culture) and you stop in the middle of it. People bump into you, you get some funny looks, but it's worth it. Listen for the voice of God. Like an Indian in the middle of NYC putting his ear to the ground.

- Search: Inquire in the secret place and in godly counsel. Do what God says. Completely. Whatever it may be. Even worse than the picture above, you start asking people directions to a place they've never heard of and continue putting your ear down.

- Step: "and walk in it." knowing what to do and doing it, go hand in hand. If you don't, it's sin (James). Lastly, you walk against the crowd. You think it was bad and hard before? That was nothing compared to this. Imagine crawling through the crowd. The hardest step is the first.

This is a vicious cycle leading to discipline, holiness, and splendor. All are in the courts of the King. People will call you crazy, they'll say you're a radical, you're taking things too seriously, or you're taking some things too far, but there's no 'too far' in a pursuit of the King of Glory.

Seek, and you will find.

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