sad, huh? bittersweet. I'm more than excited to come home, but to leave "home" behind.. rough. TWO MONTHS went into Portland. That's a lot of prayer and sweat.. and coffee. This trip has been incredible. Shorties to know:
the pacific is not the gulf of mexico. wear a wet suit or prepare to freeze.
watching the sunset over the ocean is super legit.
seattle is cool, but Portland is better. They have cool kids that dance in the pit though. fun fact.
Driving in Portland is a tad bit confusing.
Waterfalls are fun to play in.
Alpaca's are nice.. sometimes.
Jesus is pursuing people long before you are, so you can trust Him to work and not stress.
i really really like riding bikes around the city. dallas stinks in that area.
the first piece of "furniture" to buy when you move into a house/apt is a plunger. trust me.
living on necessities is fun. a bunch of stuff weighing you down isn't.
Prayer works. Every. Single. Word.
I've met some really cool peeps and leaving them isn't gonna be the funnest thing I've ever done.
Patience is a lot more fun when God teaches you what it really means.. and He never stops doing that. whoa.
Food Carts after midnight are better than whataburger after midnight.
Nothing beats a good QT run, though. Straight up.
living off campus is gonna be kinda sad.
Crazy Love is a freaking GOOD book.
God's love, mercy, and grace are too good to be true.. but they are true, everyday, all the time.
That's all i think. pray for the people we'll spend these last few days with, pray for our transitions when we return. pray for a revival fire to burn our hearts, our country, and our world. pray in general. Thank EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU for praying or giving or following, even the people who will never read this, thank you. God honors you now and will continue to do so. Those who are faithful with little, will be faithful with much. believe it. i love you all to death. cheers from portland. put a bird on it. see yaaaaaaa.
Food For Thought..
Jesus became your sin, absorbed God's wrath, died the death you deserve, and rose again to give you life. This is gospel.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Regular Radicalism
Why is it that we as the Church have deemed people radicals? You know, the ones that actually live out the bible so we don't have to. They go to the nations and give to the poor, all in the name of Jesus, while we rot in our comfort and claim the holy Creator of the universe is the center of our lives. Are we blind or ignorant? Joking or just foolish? Jesus set the standard of living in His footsteps at radical and anything short of it wasn't enough. He went to the other side of the Sea of Galilee.. that's not what good Jewish boys do. He took them to the pagan capitol and told them on the rock of the pagan temple He would start His church, not even the gates of hell will prevail against it (they were standing on the rock that the altar of the pagans was cut into). He was a FRIEND of sinners. They called Him friend because He gave them reason. "greater love has no man than this," right? He gave His life for His friends.. in life and death. He was a rad Dude, all the time, and we are in awe of Him (rightfully so) but won't run after Him. This isn't saying we'll always be in stride with Him, but why aren't striving to be? Honestly? If we care more about our paycheck rolling in than we do Jesus coming back, we might be a bit confused. What are you anxiously awaiting? let that be the compass of where your heart is set. I'm not perfect, nor do I claim to be. This is reproof, let's grow together. If we claim to follow Jesus, we must do just that.. Follow Jesus. Not to the couch, but "to the ends of the earth" (acts 1:8). We really need to get a true grasp on what Jesus' life looked like and become more like Christ every second of every minute of every day, what does Christian mean anyways? The disciples were CALLED that because they LOOKED and ACTED as Christ did. What if we let the people who are watching our lives decide whether or not we were Christians, would they be able to tell? ouch. What do we have to lose?! We are pursuing the Almighty King of Glory, what's to be lost? He created you and all you desire, what's to forfeit? All we can do is gain from our sacrifice. He just longs for your love. He asked you to marry Him, and if you said yes, are you honoring your vows? Till death do you part..y together forever. Press on towards the fulfillment of your calling in Christ and walk from this life to the next with arms open wide ready to embrace your First Love and Highest Prize. Get lost in your worship of the Most High, lose yourself in His infinite love for you. You'll be surprised when what you find is you.. A much different you, but you'll like it. He's our Portion, and our never failing Fulfillment. Rest in the arms of your Warrior, your King.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
just a wee update
so baaaasicallyyyyy, Portland has been the bomb. on friday, we went to multnomah falls and hiked up a waterfall. no big deal. we played in the creek and i drank the water and was super surprised at how sweet it was! ...and cold. We found some really cool stuff in the woods and just had a blast. we went to a fish hatchery too and saw Herman, the sturgeon. dude's huge. and our rainbow trout friend never left the glass. on top of playing in a waterfall, we went to mount hood and played in the snow... in july. talk about different. you guys back home are drought ridden and i'm making snow angels.. yikes. needless to say it was pretty cool. also, along the way we ran in to a few alpacas and had a little photoshoot. jeremiah's screaming out, "dude, it's like pokemon snapshot; take the picture!" it was a blast. we're still doing the usual.. whatever that is. I've been making a lot of progress with the baristas at our coffee shop and it's really cool to watch the Lord draw them to Himself in us. take that to mind, when you spend time with Jesus, people are drawn to it. Let the Spirit inside you draw people to Himself. short and sweet i guess. sorry for the pictures being all out of whack but you can see what i've been seeing! i'm on a plane home in 15 days. yikes. love ya!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
King of Glory, have Your glory.
As of late, in my time spent with God, studying His word, praying, seeking, worshiping, He's been leading me to a new revelation that I think we all need to hear. It isn't a new age philosophy or a new way to see God move. It's not a new worship song, pastor, sermon series, or church to attend. It's an ancient path, an old, dusty, lost road. It's the walk of the fathers of our faith. In a confused and dying culture and time in our world, it's our only hope.
Around four of five weeks ago, I was praying to be changed to the fathers of old, the fathers of the faith. Praying to be so profoundly different from this world and culture because I've gone to the very basics and essence of the faith as the fathers of it had. The forefathers of the faith never even MOVED without the Lord saying to. They all went through the desert and wilderness and walked the ancient paths of Jeremiah 6:16. I was then brought to the wilderness to a revelation of the fathers and the ancient paths. I've been a son, yet it's time for the sons to become fathers. This is a prophetic call to follow an ancient path leading to the promise of God in Matthew 16:18. To take back the ground that Almighty Yahweh promised, Jesus secured, and we were born into, it's our inheritance as sons of the living God and heirs to His throne. We are to be a church of power. We will be.
Adam and Eve walked with God. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob did too. Moses begged God to show him His glory. He saw God for who He is and spoke with Him mouth to mouth. These were powerful fathers of our faith, but they fell short in a manner that we do not. Through Christ, we house God's glory. 1 Corinthians 6:19 says we are temples of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, the Greek word used is "naos," transliterated to mean Holy of Holies. Let that sink in. Powerful, yeah? Exodus 40:34 is inside our spirit. Our souls are being readied to contain more. David sought God's heart; we are written on it. Isaiah whimpered before the throne of God, we're invited to come into His presence with boldness, expecting mercy and grace (Heb. 4:16). Jesus holds us and the keys of the Kingdom and hands them to us. What we unlock and allow to enter through us is our decision. We're the gates, we're the doors, we must open up, and let the King of Glory enter in (psalm 24:7-10).
Put off the old and put on the new.
This is deep. We aren't the first Christians; putting on the new isn't some new age philosophy, it's a tested discipline: crucifixion of flesh, liberation of Spirit, and pursuit of Holy. It's only new to us, because we're new to the family, an ancient family with an ancient tradition of walking ancient paths to claiming the ancient inheritance of an eternal God. It's worked forever; the forefathers did it. This is a story about a family! It fits all of us, but it's not about us! So we are moving toward the discipline of our ancestors. Jesus did it best. Huh? He walked the ancient paths better than the fathers referred to in the passage? Yeah, where do you think they got it? Jesus. He was there when the world began. Romans 13:14. To fully put ON Christ is to gravitate towered the most ancient paths. Think Adam and Eve ancient. Walking with God. Micah 6:8. Ancient. We are being moved to a posture of simplicity and freedom. Our minds wont be bound by cultural or self-opinionated doctrinal garbage, our bodies won't be hindered by the workings of our flesh because Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John). Matthew 10:7-8. Luke 4:17. Isaiah 61:1-4. Revelation 22. Sick, broken people will be set free.
Look around you.. The arid land that is being laid by the drought. The land is longing to have it's thirst quenched. That's America. We are amidst a drought. A power outage. We are in the appearance of God's power, but lacking the Spirit and running on the fumes of religion and tradition. Prophesy. Speak out life, truth, the Spirit and Word of the Living God. Birth something into the atmosphere. Bind the enemy and loose the creativity of God in your life and the world around you.
I'm genuinely curious as to why we, the Church, believe we have not because we ask not, but won't commit to crying out, day and night, "come, Lord Jesus." His kingdom will spring up all around us when we do more so than ever before. Ever. Literally, ever. For real. Picture the power we'll receive. The anointing. The Body operating in complete unity. It's the dream of the Father and the heartcry of Jesus for God's kingdom to come and will to be done on earth, we can make it happen! Why are we dreaming so small?! Will you join with me and committing to praying, "come, Lord Jesus. Let Your kingdom come, let Your will be done, on earth JUST like heaven." come, Jesus. Declare His glory.
The heartcry of Jesus is that you would formulate a posture of opportunity and openness to putting His glory on display, in word and deed.
This involves sacrifice. We must lay our lives down at the feet of Jesus, casting our crowns at His feet, and hand Him everything. He is LOVE. He's gracious and overflowing with goodness. Trust Him. Trust Him. But this involves patience. Migrating out of a cultural lifestyle and into a style of life this world has never known won't be immediate.
Impatience brings forth idolatry. When you cannot wait for the Lord, you will seek to find pleasure in anything but the Lord. Be Still.
Psalm 25:3 "indeed, none who WAIT for YOU shall be put to shame." the answer to all our problems is patiently waiting for the Lord to come through. What's the waiting room look like? Three chapters back. 22:3. "You are holy and enthroned on the praises of Israel, Your people." what are we doing while we wait? If it isnt praising Him, we're in the wrong spot. CRY OUT TO HIM DAY AND NIGHT, because 9:7 says He established His throne for justice. When we praise Him from a heart of love and obedience, we become seekers, doers, and lovers of justice. Luke 18:1-8. He'll bring it hastily to His elect that ask for it, so ask for it! As we contend for the kingdom, the justice of the fatherless, the widows, the oppressed and afflicted, our "problems" soon fade away and become others in need of justice. Have a problem? Praise Him, and He'll change us completely. Psalm 37:3-7. This is the dawning of a new era of holiness and justice. Come, King of Glory.
Jeremiah 6:16 -
- search
- step
Three things we must do to discern the path we must take.
- Stand: Stop what we're doing; stand still. I picture a crowd (culture) and you stop in the middle of it. People bump into you, you get some funny looks, but it's worth it. Listen for the voice of God. Like an Indian in the middle of NYC putting his ear to the ground.
- Search: Inquire in the secret place and in godly counsel. Do what God says. Completely. Whatever it may be. Even worse than the picture above, you start asking people directions to a place they've never heard of and continue putting your ear down.
- Step: "and walk in it." knowing what to do and doing it, go hand in hand. If you don't, it's sin (James). Lastly, you walk against the crowd. You think it was bad and hard before? That was nothing compared to this. Imagine crawling through the crowd. The hardest step is the first.
This is a vicious cycle leading to discipline, holiness, and splendor. All are in the courts of the King. People will call you crazy, they'll say you're a radical, you're taking things too seriously, or you're taking some things too far, but there's no 'too far' in a pursuit of the King of Glory.
Seek, and you will find.
Around four of five weeks ago, I was praying to be changed to the fathers of old, the fathers of the faith. Praying to be so profoundly different from this world and culture because I've gone to the very basics and essence of the faith as the fathers of it had. The forefathers of the faith never even MOVED without the Lord saying to. They all went through the desert and wilderness and walked the ancient paths of Jeremiah 6:16. I was then brought to the wilderness to a revelation of the fathers and the ancient paths. I've been a son, yet it's time for the sons to become fathers. This is a prophetic call to follow an ancient path leading to the promise of God in Matthew 16:18. To take back the ground that Almighty Yahweh promised, Jesus secured, and we were born into, it's our inheritance as sons of the living God and heirs to His throne. We are to be a church of power. We will be.
Adam and Eve walked with God. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob did too. Moses begged God to show him His glory. He saw God for who He is and spoke with Him mouth to mouth. These were powerful fathers of our faith, but they fell short in a manner that we do not. Through Christ, we house God's glory. 1 Corinthians 6:19 says we are temples of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, the Greek word used is "naos," transliterated to mean Holy of Holies. Let that sink in. Powerful, yeah? Exodus 40:34 is inside our spirit. Our souls are being readied to contain more. David sought God's heart; we are written on it. Isaiah whimpered before the throne of God, we're invited to come into His presence with boldness, expecting mercy and grace (Heb. 4:16). Jesus holds us and the keys of the Kingdom and hands them to us. What we unlock and allow to enter through us is our decision. We're the gates, we're the doors, we must open up, and let the King of Glory enter in (psalm 24:7-10).
Put off the old and put on the new.
This is deep. We aren't the first Christians; putting on the new isn't some new age philosophy, it's a tested discipline: crucifixion of flesh, liberation of Spirit, and pursuit of Holy. It's only new to us, because we're new to the family, an ancient family with an ancient tradition of walking ancient paths to claiming the ancient inheritance of an eternal God. It's worked forever; the forefathers did it. This is a story about a family! It fits all of us, but it's not about us! So we are moving toward the discipline of our ancestors. Jesus did it best. Huh? He walked the ancient paths better than the fathers referred to in the passage? Yeah, where do you think they got it? Jesus. He was there when the world began. Romans 13:14. To fully put ON Christ is to gravitate towered the most ancient paths. Think Adam and Eve ancient. Walking with God. Micah 6:8. Ancient. We are being moved to a posture of simplicity and freedom. Our minds wont be bound by cultural or self-opinionated doctrinal garbage, our bodies won't be hindered by the workings of our flesh because Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil (1 John). Matthew 10:7-8. Luke 4:17. Isaiah 61:1-4. Revelation 22. Sick, broken people will be set free.
Look around you.. The arid land that is being laid by the drought. The land is longing to have it's thirst quenched. That's America. We are amidst a drought. A power outage. We are in the appearance of God's power, but lacking the Spirit and running on the fumes of religion and tradition. Prophesy. Speak out life, truth, the Spirit and Word of the Living God. Birth something into the atmosphere. Bind the enemy and loose the creativity of God in your life and the world around you.
I'm genuinely curious as to why we, the Church, believe we have not because we ask not, but won't commit to crying out, day and night, "come, Lord Jesus." His kingdom will spring up all around us when we do more so than ever before. Ever. Literally, ever. For real. Picture the power we'll receive. The anointing. The Body operating in complete unity. It's the dream of the Father and the heartcry of Jesus for God's kingdom to come and will to be done on earth, we can make it happen! Why are we dreaming so small?! Will you join with me and committing to praying, "come, Lord Jesus. Let Your kingdom come, let Your will be done, on earth JUST like heaven." come, Jesus. Declare His glory.
The heartcry of Jesus is that you would formulate a posture of opportunity and openness to putting His glory on display, in word and deed.
This involves sacrifice. We must lay our lives down at the feet of Jesus, casting our crowns at His feet, and hand Him everything. He is LOVE. He's gracious and overflowing with goodness. Trust Him. Trust Him. But this involves patience. Migrating out of a cultural lifestyle and into a style of life this world has never known won't be immediate.
Impatience brings forth idolatry. When you cannot wait for the Lord, you will seek to find pleasure in anything but the Lord. Be Still.
Psalm 25:3 "indeed, none who WAIT for YOU shall be put to shame." the answer to all our problems is patiently waiting for the Lord to come through. What's the waiting room look like? Three chapters back. 22:3. "You are holy and enthroned on the praises of Israel, Your people." what are we doing while we wait? If it isnt praising Him, we're in the wrong spot. CRY OUT TO HIM DAY AND NIGHT, because 9:7 says He established His throne for justice. When we praise Him from a heart of love and obedience, we become seekers, doers, and lovers of justice. Luke 18:1-8. He'll bring it hastily to His elect that ask for it, so ask for it! As we contend for the kingdom, the justice of the fatherless, the widows, the oppressed and afflicted, our "problems" soon fade away and become others in need of justice. Have a problem? Praise Him, and He'll change us completely. Psalm 37:3-7. This is the dawning of a new era of holiness and justice. Come, King of Glory.
Jeremiah 6:16 -
"Thus says the LORD: 'STAND by the roads, and LOOK,
and ASK for the ancient paths, where the good way is;
and WALK in it, and find rest for your souls.'
But they said, 'We will not walk in it.'"
- stand- search
- step
Three things we must do to discern the path we must take.
- Stand: Stop what we're doing; stand still. I picture a crowd (culture) and you stop in the middle of it. People bump into you, you get some funny looks, but it's worth it. Listen for the voice of God. Like an Indian in the middle of NYC putting his ear to the ground.
- Search: Inquire in the secret place and in godly counsel. Do what God says. Completely. Whatever it may be. Even worse than the picture above, you start asking people directions to a place they've never heard of and continue putting your ear down.
- Step: "and walk in it." knowing what to do and doing it, go hand in hand. If you don't, it's sin (James). Lastly, you walk against the crowd. You think it was bad and hard before? That was nothing compared to this. Imagine crawling through the crowd. The hardest step is the first.
This is a vicious cycle leading to discipline, holiness, and splendor. All are in the courts of the King. People will call you crazy, they'll say you're a radical, you're taking things too seriously, or you're taking some things too far, but there's no 'too far' in a pursuit of the King of Glory.
Seek, and you will find.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
change of heart?
Since I've been in Portland, God has been working in my heart to say the least. My entire view of life and mission has changed. Living out the Gospel is more than just living holy and walking with God, it involves an active, intentional pursuit of loving nonbelievers and believers alike, without compromise, and seeking justice and opportunities to serve without any desire to be praised. Matthew 6 beckons us to the secret life. "WHEN you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. WHEN you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. WHEN you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, that your fasting may not be seen by others but by your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you" (Mt. 6:3-4, 6, 17-18). We aren't seeking the praises or approval of men or the treasures of this world, we're chasing the heart of Almighty God and loving ourselves and our neighbors, present or future.
At DBU, it's somewhat of a Christian bubble (hello, sarcasm). We all have good intentions, desires, and purposes, but they remain just that, intentions. "Beautiful are the feet," not the intention behind them (Romans 10:15). Often times we get so caught up loving believers, we forget what talking to someone who doesn't know Jesus looks, feels, or sounds like. We freeze. We share the Gospel of Christ with them and if they don't accept, we give up. That's not what Jesus did. He lived among people without judgment and loved them to the truth. Our time spent in and with the Church should motivate us to go out and share with others in word and deed. This is by no way a rebuke, and I'm not above my message. He just hit me with this, hello? This is reproof to those of us who have fallen prey to stagnant Christianity, and exhortation of those who haven't. Let's just love God and people together, huh?
Anyways, since I've been here at Portland, I've been wondering how I can go back to school and incorporate the change God has performed in my heart and vision. Friday morning, I woke up with an email from the director of housing at DBU stating we have a record number of students trying to live on campus. They would be providing off campus apartments to 20 male students. Coincidence? Moreover, I would get to keep all the scholarships that require on campus housing. Coincidence? The result? I will now be living off campus, 15 minutes away from school, incorporating missional community and incarnationally living out the Gospel in an apartment complex and neighborhood in Dallas/Irving/Grand Prairie (Carrier Parkway, 2ish miles North of the QT and Starbucks. Total score, right?). "Ask and you will receive," indeed (Matthew 7:7). Seek to find the heart of the Father; when you take a breath, you'll look around and wonder when New Jerusalem came to town. When you walk with the King, the result is the Kingdom: in your heart, your mind, and your world.
Friday, I also hung out with my homeless friend, Dante. He needed to do his laundry, so I told him I would pay for it. We hung out the entire afternoon! I paid for his clothes, his lunch, and his frozen yogurt and what came to mind was Jesus telling us to invite people to our banquets and feasts that cannot give back to us after we have given to them, He's really just changing my perception. Dante and I discussed testimonies and spiritual journeys, and he was able to witness Jesus at work. The laundromat's detergent dispensing machine was broken so anyone could take what they wanted, along with the quarters people had already paid with; I attempted to fix it. When I couldn't, I discovered the Thai restaurant next door owned it. We helped them clear out all the money and items from the machine. Dante was perplexed that someone would do such a thing, and I met Tim, one of the Thai place's waiters, in the process: "I don't have any American friends." Something so small that I never intended to let anyone see turned into God being glorified. Dante has seen Jesus. Soon enough, he'll know him. ps.. stop and pray for Dante! do it, do it, do it!
this is just an update of what the Lord's up to. We're meeting people and doing our best to reflect the God we know, love, and serve. is it easy? not exactly. is it worth it? undoubtedly. Thank you for your prayers, love, and support! We love you guys!
At DBU, it's somewhat of a Christian bubble (hello, sarcasm). We all have good intentions, desires, and purposes, but they remain just that, intentions. "Beautiful are the feet," not the intention behind them (Romans 10:15). Often times we get so caught up loving believers, we forget what talking to someone who doesn't know Jesus looks, feels, or sounds like. We freeze. We share the Gospel of Christ with them and if they don't accept, we give up. That's not what Jesus did. He lived among people without judgment and loved them to the truth. Our time spent in and with the Church should motivate us to go out and share with others in word and deed. This is by no way a rebuke, and I'm not above my message. He just hit me with this, hello? This is reproof to those of us who have fallen prey to stagnant Christianity, and exhortation of those who haven't. Let's just love God and people together, huh?
Anyways, since I've been here at Portland, I've been wondering how I can go back to school and incorporate the change God has performed in my heart and vision. Friday morning, I woke up with an email from the director of housing at DBU stating we have a record number of students trying to live on campus. They would be providing off campus apartments to 20 male students. Coincidence? Moreover, I would get to keep all the scholarships that require on campus housing. Coincidence? The result? I will now be living off campus, 15 minutes away from school, incorporating missional community and incarnationally living out the Gospel in an apartment complex and neighborhood in Dallas/Irving/Grand Prairie (Carrier Parkway, 2ish miles North of the QT and Starbucks. Total score, right?). "Ask and you will receive," indeed (Matthew 7:7). Seek to find the heart of the Father; when you take a breath, you'll look around and wonder when New Jerusalem came to town. When you walk with the King, the result is the Kingdom: in your heart, your mind, and your world.
Friday, I also hung out with my homeless friend, Dante. He needed to do his laundry, so I told him I would pay for it. We hung out the entire afternoon! I paid for his clothes, his lunch, and his frozen yogurt and what came to mind was Jesus telling us to invite people to our banquets and feasts that cannot give back to us after we have given to them, He's really just changing my perception. Dante and I discussed testimonies and spiritual journeys, and he was able to witness Jesus at work. The laundromat's detergent dispensing machine was broken so anyone could take what they wanted, along with the quarters people had already paid with; I attempted to fix it. When I couldn't, I discovered the Thai restaurant next door owned it. We helped them clear out all the money and items from the machine. Dante was perplexed that someone would do such a thing, and I met Tim, one of the Thai place's waiters, in the process: "I don't have any American friends." Something so small that I never intended to let anyone see turned into God being glorified. Dante has seen Jesus. Soon enough, he'll know him. ps.. stop and pray for Dante! do it, do it, do it!
this is just an update of what the Lord's up to. We're meeting people and doing our best to reflect the God we know, love, and serve. is it easy? not exactly. is it worth it? undoubtedly. Thank you for your prayers, love, and support! We love you guys!
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