Food For Thought..

Jesus became your sin, absorbed God's wrath, died the death you deserve, and rose again to give you life. This is gospel.

Friday, June 24, 2011

"leaves for healing the nations."

"In Hebrew, the word for wilderness is midbar. It is surely interesting that the root of midbar means "speak" or "word." God speaks to us in the wilderness."

Trusting God has nothing to do with our setting or circumstances.

Revelation 22 says the trees planted near the river of the water of life bear fruit in every season with leaves for healing the nations. This river flows from the throne of God and the Lamb. When we, through Jesus Christ, plant ourselves in the presence of the Almighty, we take on the very likeness of these trees, drawing water from the river of life which flows from the throne of God and healing reaches the depths of our beings. "Anything with roots that draw from the river of life will bear fruit in every season and will bring healing to the nations." - Mattie Montgomery

We were created for nearness to the Father.

Often times, when things don't go our way, surprise us, or catch us off guard and we wind up in the wilderness, we become so upset and calloused that God cannot communicate with us what He willed to teach. We refuse to listen out of selfishness and pain. We too soon forget who God is and, for even the slightest moment, allow ourselves and the situation to govern our thoughts and lives.

Humility heightens in His holy presence.

"Let all that I am wait quietly before God,  for my hope is in him. My victory and honor come from God alone.  He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. My victory and honor come from God alone.  He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me. O my people, trust in him at all times.  Pour out your heart to him,  for God is our refuge" (psalm 62:5-6). "it is virtually impossible to stumble when walking in the light with our Father God, and fearful, anxious thoughts melt away in God's presence" (Elvia Meza).

We find our fulfillment in nearness to the Father.

When things are ripped from you, when you're pushed away from something, when you feel like you're alone and stranded in an arid wasteland, remember what the purpose of your life is: the praise, adoration, and glorification of the Most High God. When God moves you to the wilderness, there is a lesson to learn and a desperate desire for Him to be developed. The next chapter of Psalms says, "O God, you are my God; I earnestly search for you. My soul thirsts for you; my whole body longs for you in this parched and weary land where there is no water." the entire chapter brings worlds of encouragement, but the sum of it is encapsulated in this verse. When we seek Him earnestly, we will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13), and this is to be true in the desert, in every setting and season. Bear fruit, abide in Christ  (John 15).

Our praise explodes when we are brought close the Father. 

Jesus encourages us again in the book of John when He says, "Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life" (John 4:13-14). When we "abide in the shadow of the Almighty" (ps 91:1), the river mentioned above flows through us, and we explode with the glory of God upon the earth. Ezekiel trusted God in the valley of the dry bones and prophesied as he was commanded. He was faithful to God's demands, regardless of the circumstance, and an exceedingly great army (representative of Israel) rose up from bones and waste to life and power.

Comfort and healing are found in the presence of the Father.

We are called to dwell in God's presence and trust Him in every situation. When things don't go your way, trust Yahweh. Our infinitely loving Father, the Creator of everything that has ever or will ever exist, sent His own Son to redeem and reconcile His creation unto Himself. Obviously He's beyond proven His love for you. He speaks in the wilderness. He disciplines. He prunes. Let the Man do His job!

Holiness, by healing and discipline, comes in nearness to the Father.

I declare in the name of Jesus Christ, the wilderness you're in will bring the humility and revelation God has for you. Fully. Completely. No forces of evil, no powers or rulers of hell can touch you when you rest in the presence of the King. He will heal what's been broken and wounded. He will teach what He requires. He will move as He desires, and His glory and power will explode upon the earth. We are the gates, we are the ancient doors David spoke of in psalm 24. We are the portals through which the King of Glory chooses to usher Himself into the world.

His glory flows through those who are constantly near Him.

The good news about the wilderness is.. The other side is the Promise Land. Breakthrough. There is an exceedingly great army being brought forth in the name of our Most High God. Weapons are being constructed in the hands of  our Warrior King. This happens in the wilderness! Joshua and Caleb developed trust and maturity to lead Israel to its prolonged inheritance where? In the desert. You aren't the first one to feel this way. Trust. Believe.

Draw near to Him. He is waiting for you.

In the name of Jesus, these dry bones will live. In the name of Jesus, we will see an epidemic of freedom and healing breakout over our culture, our generation, and our world. God is able to do exceedingly more than we could think, imagine, or ask for (Ephesians 3:20), so why do we dream so small? Allow the will-derness to work to FRUITion, and watch the Father usher you into the Promise Land. Thank you, Jesus.

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