Food For Thought..

Jesus became your sin, absorbed God's wrath, died the death you deserve, and rose again to give you life. This is gospel.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

"To Infinity and Beyond!"

...reminisced? Just simply went back in your mind to how it used to be? Yesterday, I wrote to my wife. Today, I'll write to the OTHER most important woman in my life, Debra Jones Sears.

Dearest Mother, 
Words will never be able to express the gratitude and appreciation I have for you and Dad. I've been your baby boy since March 30th of 1992 and will continue to be until the day that I'm with the Lord that's blessed me so much with the best parents anyone could ever ask for. You are the most beautiful woman on this green earth. You always have been and you always will be... well... maybe not back in the nineties, you had some goofy get-ups and hurrr didssss. Nevertheless, you're gorgeous, inside and out. Only a mother could love a face like this. Look at that hair.
I'll never forget being babied while I was sick, comforted when I was hurt, or gettin' WHOOPED when my turd self would deserve it. "Charm is deceitful, beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." - Proverbs 31, or Jesus' mouth in other words. I'd have to say you covered all bases.. I mean.. I turned out alright........ right? ...RIGHT?! I would like for you to go to youtube and search She Is... by between the trees.. and not cry while you listen to it. "My mom is my.. superhero. My mom is my.. world." They wrote that song for you, Momma Bear. 

"I'll love you forever,
I'll like you for always,
As long as I'm living
my Mommy you'll be."

"What words could describe the heart that's inside you?
You're beautiful, Mother, everything about you." - Allison Sosebee.

Mom, I'm so thankful for everything you've ever done for me. This post was short, bittersweet probably, and could never be enough to express my heart to you, but I LOVE YOU MOM. I love you to infinity and beyond! LION, TIGER, CHEETAH, BEAR, GIRAFFE, MONKEY, PENGUIN, LLAMA!
With all the love in the world,
Your baby, your momma's boy, 
Ryan Lee Sears

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