Food For Thought..

Jesus became your sin, absorbed God's wrath, died the death you deserve, and rose again to give you life. This is gospel.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

What if I Told You..?

Here's the poem from the Engage Missions Conference 2012!

What if I Told You..?
What if I told you.. You’re a missionary? Would you believe me? Would you belittle me and disagree? Or would you belittle you and give an excuse as to why it’s not true?
What if I told you.. You’re a missionary?
Would you shout, “Amen!” and agree or just shake your head at me? Can I ask why not? Can I ask why the blood bought believers in Christ Jesus are living contrary to what God’s Word teaches? Or maybe I missed the memo that Christ died so the Christian can live however he pleases? Isn’t that what some are preaching? That God’s just up in the clouds hanging around until our families get diseases? And we can simply pull Him out when we need Him, but this view makes it seem like God needs us. You’re trying to tell me the God who fashioned Venus, and tuned Jeff Johnson Will Raies’ ear to hear the chord Gsus, and master minded the greatest college meal in the world, grilled cheeses, needs s? The God who cleans us and redeems us needs us? Are you noticing a theme, cous? Let’s mythbust.
God is self-sufficient, omniscient, omnipotent, His glory is so intense that wretched sinners like us behold Him and get bent. Depraved brains that were once hostile are rent as the Spirit reveals the glory of Christ in the gospel and we repent. And He pulls us into fellowship. Now we’re the Church, kid! We’re the ones who are sent, carrying out God’s mission. We’re the marketing scheme of His salvific business.
What if I told you.. You’re a missionary?
Would anything about you change or would your life still look the same? Sitting up in your dorm room playing video games or having a nice car, looking dope as you’re switching lanes, or having the most retweets or the prettiest dame. I’m not trying to invoke shame, but I feel like there’s more to why Jesus came than living lives of luxury and laziness tagged with His name. You can call this a rebuke or even a Jesus juke but what I see in the book of Luke chapter 9 verse 23 is a call to deny ourselves and take up our crosses daily. In other words, die every day. A comfortable life is no longer the aim but a passionate pursuit of spreading His fame.
So we schedule trips and board our airships to fly across the oceanic abyss with the intent of letting the gospel pour forth from our lips. We pray so diligently for hearts to be gripped then come right back home to the same self-centered, egocentric agendas. I’m saying we’re extremely selfish. I think there’s a point to missions we’ve missed, and that is exactly the point of this conference! Missions: It’s Not What You Think! You see, we’re all concerned we’re on the brink of watching a generation get washed down the sink, flushed out the pipes like someone used Drano because the Church shows no mercy like Captain Insano. We’re always looking for someone or something else to place the blame on. Is anyone else tired of the same old, same old story? We claim to be the peeps in Plato’s allegory who saw the light pouring in saving us from the shadows we were adoring. Yet we leave people trapped in the darkness of the cave because we think sharing the gospel’s only important when we’re Dora exploring the globe. We’re too scared to start conversations at Starbucks because people might think we’re trying to probe; we really don’t want to impose. We say we’re unashamed, but we’re really Gospel-phobes! Why are we so afraid? I really have to know.
I thought the gospel was God’s power to save, bro? And the message isn’t written in ink; the page is blood soaked. There’s no need to worry because God is the messenger and you’re just the envelope. We’ve been stamped and with the Spirit we’ve been sealed. We’re the ambassadors for Christ through which God is making His appeal to international students, every restaurant on Carrier, and every coffee shop in the area: this is your mission field. I’m not saying don’t go; I’m saying don’t miss the people God has put in your path to do life with. This is the pot God has planted you in. Take root, branch out and bear fruit, or shriveled and withered is how you’ll end. Hebrews 12:1, get rid of all distractions because America is the fourth largest lost nation. “Either you are a missionary or you are an imposter,” that was Charles Spurgeon. This all adds up the words of Amy Quinn (couldn’t name drop, sorry girl!), “Christians just need to be Christian.” Listen: you may never go overseas or visit other countries, but I am begging you, please. Believe me when I tell you I’m staring at a room full of missionaries.