Food For Thought..

Jesus became your sin, absorbed God's wrath, died the death you deserve, and rose again to give you life. This is gospel.

Monday, December 26, 2011


"When will we surrender.
When will we strive for what is good and not for what man has created.
When will we no longer trample the poor.
Ignore the stomachs of the starving.
Renew the hearts of the hopeless and the strength of the helpless.
Those who can't stand on their own two feet.
Those who can't stand on their own two feet.
We gotta change what means the most to us.
When will we look to the hurting before we bandage our own wounds.
We say we are martyrs, but we'd only die for ourselves.
We gotta mend the wounds of the desperate.
We have the power to change circumstance.
We have the power.
We have the power to change.
Let us rise above the storm.
Rise above the storm.
Set sail into the sea.
Set sail into the sea.
Into the sea.
When we pass through waters, we will not sink.
When we walk through fire, we will not be set ablaze.
We will not sink.
We will not be set ablaze.
Instead we sink into your grace.
A furnace of your mercy.
Because you chose the despised and lowly.
You choose the despised and lowly.
I am despised.
I am lowly.
We will be the catalysts to reach out to the hurting.
We will embrace those who have been abandoned.
We will be catalysts.
We will embrace those who have been abandoned."

Catalysts by Hundredth
thanks, chadwick johnson.
BIT nation.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

just a little rant.

Hi, I'm Ryan Lee Sears. I stink at studying for finals I have in 8 hours. I am terrible with words.. "words are hard," right, Dex? I have so many shortcomings and my heart is holey. I make the worst jokes ...that i laugh the hardest at, the previous joke for example. I like going to QT just to love on the clerks. I like going outside when it is entirely too cold, which I also love, to see full moons. I love little coffee shops. i love people who don't love Jesus. I love people who love Jesus. I attempt to love people who say they love Jesus, and probably do, but fight the wrong battles. The people who think they're serving the Kingdom by doing things God couldn't care less about.

Maybe that's a little harsh. Well, I'm offensive sometimes. Scratch that, I am offensive pretty often. but in reality, i have almost stopped caring. Almost. I am beyond over the majority of what i witness on a daily to weekly basis. I am beyond fed up with the majority of what I am surrounded by at the moment. Honestly, my dream is to move back to Portland. I wouldn't do that, but sometimes I wish i would. Here, all I see is people who cannot see past their own noses. Here, I see people who love Jesus, but can't figure out how to love people as Jesus loves people, much less loving them as they love themselves.

We hold ourselves to such lower standards than everyone else. 

We would crucify gays if we could. I wouldn't. I would probably give gays the right to marry if I were king for a day. Why? because they're people. have you ever stood face to face with a lesbian and admitted your stance on gay marriage, even worse, your belief in God's pure hatred for it? I have. Would you like to know what the hardest thing I have EEEEEEEEVVVER had to do in life was? THAT. Gay people are PEOPLE, and we justify judgment by slapping a "contend for the faith" bumper sticker on our vehicle of self-righteousness. We don't get it. We just don't get it.

If God turns them over to their sin (Romans 1), why wouldn't we do the same? We aren't God, so why not just obey God and love them. We can't change them, but we can walk them to the cross. Who cares what they say when they get there, that's between them and Jesus. I mean.. I care, but I care more about my obedience and worship than theirs. Sue me for it. Maybe I'm just the kid who went away to college and got all led astray and such, but, last i checked, my university is no different than my childhood.

Speaking of, I am slowly moving toward libertarianism. I feel like the first person who reads this might alert the media and have me shot. I am trapped by conservatism. consumed. Republicans run rampant around my small little life. You people are everywhere. Can I just say God doesn't care about our party affiliations, but i can promise you, if you're staunch in your political stance and it interferes with your disciple making, He cares.

Jesus said greatness in the Kingdom is measured by how obedient you are in keeping and teaching His commands (Matt. 5:19). What would it look like if we stopped arguing over Rick Perry being the best republican candidate and hating on Obama and started loving people as Christ loves people? What if we stopped trying to shove more guilt in the face of a rape victim for choosing abortion and started loving her through it? Why forfeit her life because she couldn't handle the shame?

Yes, I am the most outrageous person ever if you say so. Yes, I am a lunatic. Yes, I am too tired to be blogging. Or maybe I'm onto something. Let's just grow together through our disagreements and let Jesus speak for Himself. I love you, whoever you may be, and I'd like you to know my life, though sometimes I won't reflect it, has been radically transformed by the man called Christ. Pride was shattered three years ago. please, i am begging you to let God have a chance. You will thoroughly enjoy the outcome.

Believer, Christ and the Spirit are currently interceding for us. Persevere in the face of trial. I love you. Grace and peace be multiplied to you by our Lord Jesus Christ. Know that I long for the Kingdom of God to be advanced beyond all else, and, though I may not have the best delivery, my heart is genuine.

ps... let's get off this little proverbs 31 movement. gnosticism has no place in the Church. I love you.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Love's Highest Calling

All people participate in war. We war against ourselves, each other, “the clock,” and Methodists on our way to Sunday lunch. Moreover, no matter what people war with or against, why they war is not as dissimilar as one might assume. Humans are simply lovers of self. We are all, at birth, imprisoned by egocentrism, but as followers of Christ our “why” has changed. No longer do we fight for our own, or our nation’s, security, safety, or success; we struggle for the gospel of Jesus Christ to reach the depths of our souls and our world. Our allegiances, though some are pledged to the United States of America, are ultimately to the Lord of all creation, including the “land where my fathers died.” My aim is to call into question the contemporary response to the problem of war and present how Christians, with regenerate hearts and renewed minds, are to contribute.

History has revealed past warriors fought for at least one of three things: their king, their country, or their convictions. This fact holds no less truth for those whom uphold a biblical worldview in their pursuit of Christ. With our King and our citizenship in heaven, we must scripturally determine what warfare in which we are called to participate. If our God makes war in the Old Testament, would we not receive justification partaking in the same actions?

War connotes violence, and violence is rarely considered to be an attribute God exudes. Jesus spoke often of the violence He must undergo for the sake of God’s kingdom. Those who claimed to be His followers, though, expected something physical to take residence. The Jews hoped for a political savior to establish their nationalistic hopes, believing God promised to vindicate their cause as His chosen people. They sought an extraordinary physical status, yet Jesus “proclaimed the institution of a new way of life, not of a new government” (Yoder, 147). Their unmet expectations pushed them to extreme expressions of the violence He spoke of.

However, Jesus understood the Kingdom of Heaven not only suffers violence, it calls for it (Matt. 11:12). He encouraged His followers to consider the outrageous costs of discipleship. Jesus assured them of suffering they would undertake, but the sword He came to bring was not implying the physical establishment or defense of a kingdom (Matt. 10:34). Worldly violence attempts to make one’s self, ideology, or nation the center of creation. It is a refusal to settle for anything short of personal well-being. “Violence is for those who have lost their imagination;” it is the mark of multitudes which lack creativity and vision (Valentine, 19). Violence is simple, a destructive declaration of one’s power over another.

Believers are undoubtedly called to violence, but a violence of pursuit and not pain. We are not to inflict discomfort but to invite a Divine transformation. Heavenly violence is a refusal to settle for anything short of Divine fulfillment, complete and perfect. It is focused, like Heaven, on the Center of all creation, the Most High God. Violence is the expression of intrinsic depravity; love is the manifestation of imputed Divinity. Kingdom violence is a relentless pursuit of love.

“In the United States Christians are not known for peace or for love; they are known as Republicans” (Valentine, 22). We are not lacking in love; we are deficient in our understanding of Divine ordination. Our problem does not take residence in our absence of knowledge, but we suffer in our perspectives; our minds, the center of the Christian, remain untouched and actions unchanged. In combating for the justification of war by the keeping of the Constitution and God’s affirmation through Paul to do so (Romans 13:1-7), we claim these encouragements supersede those Heavenly demands of loving our neighbor by the protection of our neighbor.

We seek to justify our actions with the nature of God and in so doing claim God's nature is not solely to invest in His own glory. Yet, God is zealous and loyal to His own glory alone (Isaiah 43:6-7, 48:8-11, 49:3; Matt. 5:16; John 16:14, 17:24; Romans 9:22-23; 1 Cor. 10:31). This truth changes us, God's people, to become investors in His glory. God is about God, and we, in seeking to justify war, must consider if God receives glory in our foreign disputes. Do our violent actions magnify God Almighty? The answer, though our aim is global peace, clearly specifies the obvious choice of action is not hostility. God chose to glorify Himself through Israel and often used war as a means to do so.

However, Christians cannot validate their patriotism with Jewish heritage. Through Christ and His accomplishment on the cross, salvation is now extended far beyond domestic borders. The victory of the cross is unlimited and unstoppable. We are now warriors of reconciliation; love is our weaponry. “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood” and “the weapons of our warfare have divine power to destroy strongholds” (Eph. 6:12; 2 Cor. 10:4). God's glory no longer comes through natural war but supernatural quickening of the human spirit.

The only just war left to be fought is found within the pages of the Holy Scriptures testifying of the glory of Christ's return (2 Thes. 1:9-10). This battle, however, will be against the powers of hell and includes a distribution of wrath and judgment; He will destroy injustice indefinitely. Consequently, God does not desire for His people, no matter how noble the cause, to make war between nations; the Church is God’s vehicle for salvation not judgment.

Christians are called to uphold a biblical, thusly global, worldview. According to Jesus, our neighbors are not citizens with whom we share domestic borders, but those with whom we share a Creator. All people, present or future, American or Arabian, are to be loved. We do not choose whom we love; we submit to love whomever God commands. When we grasp an understanding of whom God fights for, we forfeit the desire to contest with nations and yearn to see them redeemed. Therefore, we are not called to defend our freedoms, but to fight viciously for the liberation of God’s creation by experiencing His love. We do not war against flesh, but hell and her angelic warriors; again, our weapons are not of this world “but have divine power to destroy strongholds.”

Furthermore, how can an imperfect people believing justification comes from God alone also trust their capacity to justify an unloving act on another person or nation? To declare a war just is to claim our endeavors are free from the constraints of sin and righteous in the eyes of God. Even in retaliation, the decision to wage war is, at best, a “compensatory sin, sin committed in order to secure a greater good” (Weaver, 62). Christian ends, namely peace, reached via unchristian means cannot be justified. Peacemakers (Matt. 5:9) are not peace seekers; they are ministers of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18). If we seek peace without proclaiming the gospel of Christ, we are instilling in humanity an idolatrous ideology. We must lose everything for the cross; our followship depends on it.

Therefore, in its purest form, pacifism is the response found in the cross. When one turns her eyes upon the King of glory, she must also behold the crucified Savior. Jesus underwent excessive, inhumane torment and suffering without uttering one statement of resistance. He offered no objections, but humbly obeyed the will of the Father while perfectly portraying His infinite love. Christian Pacifism is an idiom, for “agape, self-giving, nonresistant love,” is not for a sect of Christianity; it is the essence of Christ, ergo the center of the Christian life (Yoder, 147). War is merely a manifestation of disconnection from love’s source.

We are to be the expression of a person connected to charity’s ever flowing Spring. In the Old Testament, Israel was whom God used to display His own glory to the nations of the world. Since the Messiah, Jesus Christ, has come and presented God’s salvation to all nations, the Church, Jesus’ followers, are now God’s chosen people used for that same purpose. We are not merely connected to love; we are controlled by it (2 Cor. 5:14). Violence cannot be deemed an act of love, and God’s greatest commandment is for us to love Him and others as ourselves (Matt. 22:37-39). “Nonresistance is thus not a matter of legalism but of discipleship, not ‘thou shalt not’ but ‘as he is, so are we in this world’” (Yoder, 148).

Pacifism, with eyes set on the cross, is love at all costs; forfeiting violent acts committed in the name of nationalism is a small price to play to gain the utmost of God's glory in this life. It is adopted for obedience in our discipleship alone, “for pacifism as a way of life is premised on the nearness of the kingdom” (Cahill, 262). Followers of the Way in the first century were not after the liberties of their nation; they violently pursued the presence of God. Pacifism is not fighting for a warless existence; it is the pinnacle of Heavenly violence, a heart ablaze with love.

“Just war and pacifism are apples and oranges, not two kinds of apples” (Cahill, 261). By engaging in “just” warfare, we are committing warlessness gained by unloving methods to be the public good and not the gospel. Peace with God is the only avenue to lasting love and unity among men, and the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only approach to the Creator. The cross was not endured for domestic borders. Moreover, the cross destroys any previously established national allegiances for those whom sell all they have to invest in the Kingdom of God. Believers in the just war theory do not forsake pacifism; they forfeit their pursuit of the fullness of God’s presence (Matt. 6:33).

I do not see in Scripture the responsibility of the believer to defend one’s own nation but to submit to the state in obedience unto Christ (Luke 20:25). “The Christian’s responsibility for defeating evil is to resist the temptation to meet it on its own terms” (Yoder, 152). We disguise our disapproval of relinquished control and fear of losing comfort with an assumed command of responsibility. This does not appear to be Christian responsibility; I am beholding an epidemic of faithlessness.

Sadly, I do see a Church separated from the Scriptures and thusly Christ: a westernized Christian mindset which assumes responsibility is left in the hands of the sons and not the Father. Would a father leave his children to fend for themselves? How can we assume God has left His people to fight a physical battle to secure a supernatural inheritance established at the cross? If all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Jesus by the Father, all evil must bow down in service to His ultimate purposes. Scripture is laced with God fighting for His people. Therefore, any possible suffering or persecution the Church may undergo would essentially be edification, an inheritance of the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 5:10). Moreover, “the Church’s suffering, like the Master’s suffering, is the measure of the Church’s obedience to the self-giving love of God” (Yoder, 151).

Pacifism is not a way of life to produce peaceful existence; it is a response to grace alone by grace alone, desiring God’s glory and the furtherance of His kingdom beyond all else. This is the epitome of worship and obedience: a heart gripped by love responding to evil with good. An act of love gives a glimpse of the cross, thus moving an individual to take steps toward glory. Jesus said “whoever loses his life for My sake will find it” (Matt. 16:24). This is a beckoning neither for radicalism nor pacifism. This is total abandonment for the completion of God’s commission; this is a call for love.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Revival is not a movement.

Revival is a Person, and His name is Jesus.

When we devote ourselves to laboring for more of our wonderful King, He will manifest Himself in us and through us. We cannot be restricted by our affections for this world (2 Cor. 6:12). We must desire more of Him. Come to us, Lord Jesus. Come to us.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


First off, I am NOT feeling the Federalist Papers at the moment, so here we are again. God, You don't make sense to me. He has me stretched beyond anything I have ever known. Sunday night, I was at a dinner with the Global Connect officers at a sponsor's house when he began explaining his story to us. Out of the blue an aspiring pastor was in Romania. With such an oppressive government, few were able to receive a seminary degree, a highly compromised seminary degree. This man was blown away by the church service attendance: standing room only and every window packed with people so hungry to hear whatever they could of the gospel, no matter how compromised as if they even knew. Later, three pastors/leaders kept Robert in a room for three days with little food and no sleep. They were so hungry to be taught by an american. They were so hungry to know more about their Savior.

I was crushed. I've never wept about anything at a dinner table.. but apparently God was pricking something deep within me I didn't know was there. We don't see that in America. I don't see that in the mirror. Such a deeeeeeeeeeeepppp hunger and longing for the word of God. Such a radical desperation for knowledge of Him. Conviction city, right?

God has spoken three words over me in the last six months.. well.. i'll say four:

...and teaching.

Nations has been the past six months or so and, never having been out of the states, I was a little confused as to what this would look like. Community happened when I spend the summer in Portland building missional community. Community was already established, but integrating the gospel in the already thriving community there was tough. When I got back from Portland, God began showing me He isn't at all after pastors or theologians or profound teachings or church services. God is after disciples who are making disciples, people who are carrying their cross in the shadow of Christ and showing others how to do the same. Within the last month or so, He's been leading me to the understanding that I will do more than preach, but I will teach as well. This blew my mind because I foam at the mouth over true teachers of the Word. For Him to tell me this was big for me.. one of those why me? moments. He's led me to multiple teaching opportunities and positions

...and now He's thrown it all together.

This is, for now, what I believe God has led me to, what I would love to do with my life for the cause of the Kingdom. Community development in nations all over the world, building physical community in countries that don't have it. Not just constructing buildings but having the people educated in farming animals and crops, clean their water, help them form a system of irrigation.. in short, better their world and physical community. Moreover, build relational community centered around the gospel. Through this, people come to know Christ and Acts 2 is formed, they begin to live as the church in community. As this begins to happen, I would train up pastors and leaders who would carry the torch to generations to come. "Go, make disciples of all nations, teaching them all I have commanded you." is it bad that i JUST made that connection? I long to train up pastors around the globe who can truly preach, teach, serve, and make disciples. They hunger for this more than I do. As rough as this dream looks, I'm excited to see where God directs the heart He's placed in me.

subject to change, but this is where i'm at currently. cool. cheers, mate!

Saturday, September 10, 2011


all i can say is wow. four years ago i HATED God. HATED. once upon a time we all did, but look at where Christ has brought me: "by the grace of God I am what I am."


He's so good, yeah? the greatest understanding of this comes when people in your life show you such magnificent grace. i'm blown away at how powerful the love of Christ is. we love because He loved us first. we're so quick to judge, and, boy, was i wrong. God has a funny way of proving a point, we'll just say that.


Thank You so much for Grace which "trains us to reject worldly passions and teaches to live godly, self-controlled lives in the present age." Thank You for teaching others this personally to teach me. Jesus, thank You.

Pray for Global Connect.
Pray for Breakdown Ministries.
Pray for MERGE Pantego (Student Ministry).
Pray for Wimberly Crossing/Point.
Pray for revival at Dallas Baptist University.
Pray for Dallas.

God is WRECKING; tag along. Love you guys! (both of you that is)

Friday, August 26, 2011

"Oh, that You would rend the heavens."

Lately, God and I have done some wrestling.. in a good way. He's just really been teaching me to go deeper, go beyond (bahaaaa, MERGE plug). There have been multiple "concepts" lately, but the latest is purity, but not so much purity.. just power. but there's more to it. basically, i just tweeted this:

Love = Purity          Purity = Glory          Glory = Power 

Jesus said in John 14:15, "if you love Me, you will keep My commandments." The normal interpretation of this for me was a self righteous Pharisaic disposition of proving one's love for Christ by upholding the law. Jesus, though, fulfilled the law for you, so we no longer have to keep these commandments. He beckons us to love Him. From this intimacy flows endless rivers of integrity. When you love Jesus, you naturally long to uphold His standards. 

but why?
What in the world is the point of this rule following? Not rules, roads, and narrow ones at that (Matt. 7:13-14). This is a pursuit of the presence and nearness of God in our lives. When you love God, you want to be NEAR Him. in His lap. These "roads" (rules, laws, commandments, decrees, statutes, whatever) are for our protection from harm; moreover, they are beacons of hope guiding us to a heightened "state of purity" in our lives. We could get caught up in the hair splitting of terminology, or you could just bear with me as i try to put into words what the Spirit has put in my head. 

When you love someone, a spouse or a significant other, you want to be pure for them, right? It's a sense of faithfulness or loyalty to that person. It gives you nearness to them. Ladies, the last thing you want is a husband who runs to the computer screen for sexual gratification instead of you. why? He'd rather have something fake, it makes you feel terrible (something i can't fully understand, so i won't even try to put it into words). Vanity. It's empty and leaves them feeling the same; ladies, it would do the same for you. If this rings true, why do we as followers of Jesus run to everything the world has to offer for "love" and fulfillment? Why not truly lay hold of the Spirit of God? What else do we have?

Purity. Is. Essential.

Matthew 5:8 says, "blessed are the PURE in heart, for they shall see God." David said in Psalm 119:9, "How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to Your word." Purity = Intimacy. Love leads to purity and purity leads to love. Would we rather be caught in a downward spiral of emptiness, or a vicious cycle of intimacy and fulfillment? David understood the importance of keeping God's laws, striving for them. They kept him out of danger, but, more importantly, in the presence of the Almighty.

Proverbs 4:23 says, "keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life." Too often, I've heard this associated with dating. Yes, guarding your heart is important. What's so much more important is our pursuit of Christ. If we would set our focus on the King of Glory, we wouldn't have to worry so much about the next guy or girl shattering our heart. Seriously. David's Bridal University needs to CHILLL OUTTT. ring by spring? boof. In other news, our purity is a direct reflection of our vision of heaven and the Father. If we aren't remaining unstained by cultural influence and worldly pleasures, our perception of Jesus is muddied and our purpose remains unfulfilled. We become devoid and bereft. 

The Law is insane. Have you read Leviticus? yikes. Well, when Moses followed every SINGLE command God gave in the establishment of the tent of meeting (a representation of purity), something major followed. "Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the Glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle. And Moses was not able to enter the tent of meeting because the cloud settled on it, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle" (Exodus 40:34-34). Purity of the "temple" led to a filling of the temple. Hold that thought.

1 Corinthians 6:19 says, "or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, Whom you have from God?" This passage is definitely talking about running from sexual immorality, but more so running towards purity, the glorification of God in our bodies. What in the WORLD are we filling our temples with? The world or the Spirit? Seriously, think about that. Housing the Spirit, the full Glory of God, cannot happen if we constantly grieve Him into a janitor's closet. We are refusing the fullness of God in our lives by choosing worldly lusts over true fulfillment. When God's Spirit is present and prevalent, the power of God works in crazy ways. 

The power of God needs to be let loose in our hearts and lives which will explode into the world around us. That's what we need, that's what God wants. Back to David but in Psalm 24 this time, "Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? and who shall stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a PURE heart, who does not lift up his soul to what is false and does not swear deceitfully. He will receive blessing from the LORD and righteousness from the God of his salvation. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek the face of the God of Jacob. Lift up your heads, O gates! and be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in. Who is this King of Glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle! Lift up your heads, O gates! And lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of Glory may come in. Who is this King of Glory? The LORD of hosts, He is the King of Glory."

We all speak of a generation. There's even a song about it: "i see a generation rising up to take their place with selfless faith. I see a near revival stirring as we pray and seek, we're on our knees." So what are we gonna do about it? we can either tap into the dream of God and become this generation or prolong the inevitable and waste our lives on worthless pursuits and dreams ending in dead ends. We must seek God's face with clean hands and a pure heart. We must lift up our heads and fulfill our purpose as the ancient doors for the King of Glory to enter through. Cry out for His Kingdom and His return. Cry out for Jesus. 

Psalm 132:3-5. Isaiah 62:2-7. Matthew 6:10. Revelation 22:17. 

When we fulfill these as a person and a people, we will see the power of God break out unlike anything this world has ever seen. First, we must get back to purity. "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be wretched and mourn and weep. Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you" (James 4:8-10). The beatitudes promise the kingdom of heaven, comfort, and satisfaction in righteousness will be given to these. When we bear fruit in repentance, we will see the face of revival in us and in the world around us.

God's heart BURNS for His people to BURN for Him. The dream of God is a global outbreak of revival and restoration. YOU, as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ, are a minister of reconciliation. You are restoring a creation back to its Creator by the Spirit of God. We MUST let go of this world and our lives.We MUST.

I'm praying that theological disagreements are shattered by an overwhelming presence of the Spirit of God. I'm praying that apathetic hearts are gripped by the limitless love and jealousy of the Father for you. I'm praying for revival to break out in your heart and the world around you. I'm praying for revival. 
The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.”
Revelation 22:17

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


well, i'm home and i couldn't be happier. Words just can't express how refreshing it is to be back. I had dinner with my parents. I went to a show friday night and chilled with mason for his birthday and my homies in Mouth of the South. It was just super cool. I had dinner with the youth pastors (hs&jh) and their wives saturday night and started at Pantego Bible Church on Sunday morning. life's good. I have the coolest job ever. seriously. first day on the job (kinda, it was yesterday/monday), we had pancake discipleship. pancakes. merge students. james 4:1-12. freaking rad. did i mention pancakes? so cool. the kids in the group are incredible and really have a desire to love Jesus. in two weeks we're going to lake texoma for the upperclassmen retreat and the following weekend is welcome weekend and move up sunday for the incoming 7th graders. just some pretty cool stuff. God's a cool dude. today i helped the ResLife staff at DBU move mattresses, bed frames, and desks into the off campus apartments and i was in my apartment for the first time. i love it. it's gonna be pretty home-y for sure. the sad part is how closed off everyone i was able to talk to or see was. breaks my heart, but God is bigger. He's pursuing them and has been long before i came along.

James 3:13-4, let's go back to that. SO HUGE. "Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom" (js. 3:13). From the very beginning, a distinctly profound and important point is clearly stated: wisdom and understanding are significant. Moreover, they are crucial. Maybe that's why james wrote this in the fourth sentence of the FIRST chapter, " If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him" (v. 5). this verse is a good reference to the remainder of the post so "keep it fresh" (merge kids get this).

1) if God gives wisdom, shouldn't we desire it? (here's a hint: yes). If He gives it, obviously it's something we DON'T have. That might explain this, "Never be wise in your own eyes," or this, "Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil" (Rom. 12:16; Prov. 3:7). How, though, can we know it's something we don't have? we ALWAYS want our way and think we have the, or all the, answer(s) to our questions, problems, and situations. and everyone elses' too. AND if they don't do what WE think is right, THEY are the dumbest human who ever existed. man, that sounds like an attitude of a GENIUS. ..psych. one way, and one way alone can we acknowledge and accept this fact.


When we think we're wise you have outcomes like those mentioned in James 3:14-16, "But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth (don't put on a front of wisdom when you're full of poopy). This is not wisdom that comes down FROM ABOVE, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic (demons are spirits, so my guess would be the word is really 'unSpiritual'). For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice." in a nutshell: two kinds of wisdom, 1) from above and 2) earthly. heaven or earth, those are our choices of where we want to be fed from. we have the privilege of CHOOSING where we want our (some not so much) wisdom comes from. if the latter of the two leads to disorder and EVERY vile practice, what's left? if we want order and goodness, what should we seek?

"But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. and a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace" (js. 3:17-18). so this is what james was talking about way back in that first verse, huh? makes sense.. when was the last time you just walked outside and had the purest motives, making peace with everybody, gently, listening to their INSANELY wrong points of view openly, mercifully handling everyone the same, showing sincere impartiality and bearing fruit in all of it? never. NEVER. none of us have, but we've had glimpses of it. why? it's God given, which is why we must ask for it.

chapter four is pretty easily summed up, you can read it. the selfishness and jealousy in chapter three carries down to war within us and cause fights and quarrels (v. 1). these lead to hatred and envy of others and we feel hatred toward them (if you aren't loving them and wish bad stuff would happen to em, be real, that's hate) which is, according to Jesus, the same as committing the act in our hearts (v. 2).

When we think we have it all figured out, we chase our desires, our passions, we fight for them! why would we ask God for this stuff? we can totally handle it on our own. heck, maybe we do ask, but do we reeeeally go to God as He is for who He is, or is He more like Santa Clause? Ho Ho Ho is right. which leads right into verse four! WHORES. James compares the Jewish Christians to prostitutes and adulterers, which they would have understood and HATED, in a good way. He tells them they've become their own God's enemies because they desire the things of this world over the kingdom of Heaven.

God is JEALOUS for us. His veins burn green with flames of jealousy. He cannot stand to see His people seeking their fulfillment and pleasure in things other than Himself. He loves us, but He's also selfless. He knows what is best for us, Himself, so He points us in the direction of Himself. Here's where it gets a bit lofty. God's jealousy is His provision for the fulfillment of our purpose: seeking and finding Him, praising Him. ultimately, His glorification is what He is seeking, but we get to play a part in that. cool, huh? moreover, Proverbs 26:11 says, "like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly." When we gain wisdom from God, we realize two things: 1) God is the ultimate fulfillment. 2) nothing else can fulfill us, it's foolish to try. take solomon for example. he was the wisest man to ever live (1 kings 4:29) and in his book ecclesiastes, the main point is the stuff of this world we so desperately seek after cant bring us satisfaction. BUT WE CONTINUE TRYING. so now what?

"But He gives more grace." God in His infinite holiness, FREAKING holy, beyond understanding or fathom, gives US grace. more grace. relentlessly. He pours out grace on us like air or sunlight, except without the setting. THAT'S A GREAT ANALOGY, thank you, Holy Spirit. Get this, texans. Sun = hot, yeah? especially when it was 108 today and i was sweating my butt off. when the sun is beating down on you, what do you wanna do? swim, drink water, GET OUT OF IT. The sun burrrrnnsss. God pours out His grace on us in the same way. We go outside, we can't handle it very long, so we don't wanna get burned. the more we realize that the sun's just gonna burn us, the less we wanna hang out in it. our desires change (little drastic, but bear with me). When we desire the things of this world, God pours out His grace to change our desires to Him.

 However, God only gives grace to the humble. We must humble ourselves before Him and accept the change. He gives us a glimpse of Himself, His wisdom, and our foolishness. We must humble ourselves by denying ourselves and taking up our cross and following Him.

wisdom follows grace so we understand how to flee from our old desires and run after these new ones.

This is the process of sanctification. Humility, Grace, Wisdom.

We must humble ourselves before God, accept His transforming power, and let His Spirit teach us all things (Jn. 14:26).

I admit, this may be off and we may disagree, but i love you and pray God's Spirit transforms you as we humble ourselves before Him.
I pray "that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ; the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, having the eyes of your heart enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which He has called you, what are the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of His power toward us who believe" over you in the name of Jesus (see the remaining verses for the power that comes along with that ephesians 1:17-23). be wise.